ALS Association
FYI: Information about Mucus Plugs
Mucus is a gel substance naturally secreted by the lungs’ cells and glands that lines the surface of airways. The lungs respond to inhaled irritants by increasing the production of mucus.
ALS Association
FYI: Mobility and ALS
Freedom of movement - walking, going up and down stairs, getting off the floor, completing daily activities, exercising—these are just a few of the activities that many of us take for granted and are able to perform without limitation. For an individual with ALS, these often become difficult or even impossible to do. As weakness develops in the legs, trunk muscles or diaphragm, active movement can become limited.
ALS Association
FYI: Orthotic Devices
It is not unusual to notice the first symptoms of ALS in the arms or legs. There may be only a slight weakness or clumsiness in the affected limb at first and the person with ALS (PALS) may be able to go without orthotics until the weakness progresses to a more noticeable level. However, adaptability, comfort, and independence can be greatly enhanced with the proper orthopedic devices and/or products.
ALS Association
FYI: Pain in ALS
Does ALS cause pain? The answer is yes, although in most cases it does so indirectly. From what we know at this time, the disease process in ALS only affects the nerve cells controlling strength (motor neurons) in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. Fortunately, these nerves don’t send pain signals back up to the brain.
ALS Association
FYI: Respiratory Challenges in ALS - Coughing
Coughing is a familiar, yet complex reflex action that functions to clear material from the airway. It protects the airway from irritants, saliva, or foreign particles that may have been inhaled (aspirated), and secretions, cellular debris, and microbes generated by the lungs or bronchial tree. Coughing can be involuntary; a reaction to inhaling a foreign particle or wayward food particle, or voluntary, intentionally taking a deep breath to clear mucus from the throat.
ALS Association
FYI: Suspected Abuse
In our work at The ALS Association’s National Office and Chapters, we all encounter a variety of situations involving persons with ALS and their families.