The Hoffman ALS Patient Care Expansion Awards Program

The Hoffman ALS Patient Care Expansion Awards Program is established to enhance ALS patient access to, and utilization of, multidisciplinary care by:

The Hoffman ALS Patient Care Expansion Awards Program grant will provide financial assistance to patients and clinics. Grants to people living with ALS can help with direct expenses such as transportation, hotels, or lost wages. Grants to clinics are awarded so the clinic can increase access to multidisciplinary ALS care.

Clinic Staff

Goal: Increasing Access to Multidisciplinary Care

The Hoffman ALS Clinic Capacity Awards Program

To increase access to multidisciplinary care, through additional ALS-specific clinic days or increasing access to telehealth services, selected awardees will receive up to $360,000 over three years, with payments being milestone based.

Requests for Applications will be launched annually, with timing yet to be determined. Awardees will be notified of approved funding within six months of the Requests for Application launch. Part of the application process will include evaluating a prospective awardee’s responses to the following:

  • Established commitment of the provider to caring for people living with ALS
  • How the proposed clinic expansion or telemedicine model will benefit patient care as documented by a formal needs assessment utilizing current data
  • How many new patients will be served by the clinic expansion or telemedicine model; number of established patients
  • What is the intended impact of the expanded model of care
  • How will impact and outcomes be measured
  • What are the collaborations, programs, and processes established to provide ongoing care coordination between provider appointments to achieve person-centric care
  • What are the barriers to patients being able to access and receive services
  • The plan for program sustainability past the initial funding phase

The Requests for Applications process will entail the following:

  • Providers interested in developing a new clinic or including a telemedicine model will submit a short letter of intent, around 1-2 pages, listing scope of the proposed change, proposed impact on those living with ALS currently unable to access care or are experiencing challenges accessing care, and how it aligns with the Association’s priorities.
  • Association staff will review letters of intent, selecting proposals that align with the original request for application.
  • Selected providers will be invited to submit a full proposal, approximately 8-12 pages, that details the plan to increase utilization, outlines a patient-centric plan, clinic team, budget, and feasibility. Proposals will be peer reviewed by independent subject matter experts.
  • Selected proposals will be submitted to the Care Services Committee for review, discussion, and final approval, including funding amount.

Once approved for funding, the award will advance into the grant management stage. Designated ALS Association staff will:

  • Notify the selected provider/institution
  • Develop, negotiate, and issue the contract that outlines milestones, expectations, and approved uses for the grant.
  • Monitor progress and issue grant payments once milestones are reached.

Grantees will be expected to adhere to the ALS Association’s grant awards terms and conditions. This includes:

  • Establish and maintain effective internal controls to ensure the grant award will be used in compliance with the stated requirements.
  • Agree to perform the project as proposed
  • Prudently manage the award provided and implement the project in accordance with the provisions of the grant
  • Any adjustments to the project where Association dollars are used must be approved by the Association prior to change

Application Instructions

Click here for more information.

Goal: Reducing Financial Barriers to Utilizing Care

Grants for Individuals Living with ALS

Leveraging existing Association infrastructures, The Hoffman ALS Patient Care Expansion grant will provide financial assistance to patients to reduce financial barriers that prevent their utilization of ALS-specific multidisciplinary care. This includes providing grants to individuals for direct expenses such as transportation, hotels, or lost wages.

Individuals will complete an online application, or print if needed, and request funds to cover specific cost needs to access a clinic. Applications will be reviewed and approved solely based on need by a designated staff member with final approval from a senior management team member. Impact of grant will be captured to evaluate outcomes and continued need.

The intent is to provide annual grants of up to $1,000 to individuals living with ALS who are experiencing a financial barrier.

If you are interested in this grant, please contact your local ALS Association Care Services team.

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