In Memory of Deanna Jaeckel - January 2023

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Deanna was a long-time Wisconsin volunteer and advocate, along with her husband John Jaeckel who is living with ALS. Deanna died suddenly on December 18, 2022. She is remembered by all who knew her, including Tom Kettler who shared this tribute.

John and Deanna were dedicated to each other but also to their community and our Association. From advocacy to fundraising, they were always up for the cause. They were instrumental in having the Birkie sponsor The ALS Association Wisconsin as its charity of choice. They started the Jaeckel Walk for ALS in Hayward raising thousands of dollars for the chapter and were always willing to be the face of or participate in any fundraiser. If you spend any amount of time in Hayward, you will learn from abundant sources of the value the community placed on them as coaches, mentors and good neighbors. They were occasionally the voice of the Association on radio and television interviews, some of which I participated in with them.

Our advocacy trip to Washington was memorable for many reasons including John and Deanna's effectiveness as advocates with our state congresspersons and senators. Our meetings were friendly, professional and effective. One thing that stood out was the conversation Deanna had with then-Congressman Sean Duffy where she reminded him that she used to babysit him! It is tough to find a link more effective than that when presenting your case for legislation you want your congressman to sponsor!

Deanna was a warm but powerful force in our lives and our Association. She leaves behind an equal force in John who was her consummate partner in everything they achieved. They were a packaged deal. You didn't get just one, you got them both and we all were much better off because of that.

- Tom Kettler, Board Member Emeritus of The ALS Association Wisconsin