Walk to Defeat ALS
Walk Resource Center

Fundraising Resources

Fundraising Ideas: A to Z

Sample Fundraising Letters
You can use these sample letters to recruit team members and ask for donations.

Matching Gifts
Many companies will match a gift made by an employee. Some companies even triple match or match pooled gifts. This is a great way to boost your fundraising with just a few clicks of the mouse!

Penny Wars
"Change" the way you raise money! PDF includes instructions for starting your very own Penny War.

Fundraising Resources

Fundraising Ideas: A to Z
Tons of new and exciting ways to raise money. How about a Wine and Wii Party? Or would you prefer hosting a Firefighter Fashion Show?

Sample Fundraising Letters
You can use these sample letters to recruit team members and ask for donations.

Matching Gifts
Many companies will match a gift made by an employee. Some companies even triple match or match pooled gifts. This is a great way to boost your fundraising with just a few clicks of the mouse!

Penny Wars
"Change" the way you raise money! PDF includes instructions for starting your very own Penny War.

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