CEO Soak
Fundraising Tools
CEO Soak

Blow Your Goal Out Of The Water!

Corporate Giving

Ask your company to support you with a gifted donation and/or fundraising for your team.

Company Match

Are you or other employees donating to your team? Ask your company to match these donations or take advantage of an existing program. Some companies even double employee contributions!

Challenges & Competitions

Set up challenges between departments, floors, or other companies to increase your fundraising dollars. Whether the competition is to see who gets soaked, who raised the most money, or who wins a prize, a challenge is always a great motivator. Get creative and find the best option for you.

Make a Self-Donation

Did you know that someone that donates to themselves is proven to have a larger impact on our fundraising events? Everyone will be able to see how committed you are to the cause. Jump start your fundraising with a self-donation today!

Update your Fundraising Page

Your personal page is the place to tell your story and let everyone know why you have become a part of the CEO Soak and why finding a cure for ALS is so important to you. Be sure to update your page with a photo too!

Send Emails

Customize your emails and send to your network. Remember, on average it takes 3 asks to get someone to give. Don't know how to start or what to say? We have templates for you!

Host a Kickoff

Host a virtual or in person kickoff event with your staff! This can be over the lunch hour or happy hour! Association staff will join your meeting to speak about ALS, the event, your impact, and how to fundraise. Put the CEO Soak logo in your email signature to promote participation.

Get Soaked

The CEO Soak is designed to engage employees at your business, fellow corporations in your city, and for any community leader who wants to support The ALS Association. Recruit as many people as you can to support and participate and challenge your fellow executives to get soaked!

Spread the Word on Social Media

Start a Facebook Fundraiser right from your fundraising page! You can also use sample posts and graphics we have for you to tell your social network about the CEO Soak.

And remember...Progress is Powerful!

On your personal page you will be able to see all the activity from donors and all the updates that you have made.  Be sure to thank those that have donated and helped you raise your bar towards your fundraising goal and our shared goal of creating a world without ALS.

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