
Collage of people from the ALS community



313 results
Let’s See More Support for Caregivers
Caregivers are the unsung heroes of ALS. Often, they're so busy supporting their loved one, their own physical or mental health takes a back seat. That’s why ensuring caregivers in the ALS community receive the support and assistance they need is critical.
Bob Scott: Volunteering to Make it a Little Bit More Fair
After being the primary caregiver to his wife of 30 years before she passed away from disease in 2021, Bob Scott wasn’t sure he ever wanted to have anything to do with the letters “ALS” again. But a burning in his gut told him that he should do something to help; that he could try and make it all a bit more “fair.”
ALS Is a Rare Disease, But Sometimes Doesn’t Feel Like It
Today is Rare Disease Day, an event that takes place worldwide, typically on the last day of February each year, to help raise awareness among policymakers and the public about rare diseases and their impact on patients’ lives. In recognition today, Kristina shares what it’s like to be a ALS caregiver for her husband, Lamar, and her unique perspective on the rarity of ALS.
Tips for Having an Enjoyable Holiday Season
For people living with ALS and their families, the holiday season can bring its own set of challenges, both physical and emotional. But the season can still be a time of togetherness, peace and joy. Here are some suggestions to help manage changes and enjoy this holiday season.
Learning From Others: ALS Caregiver Resources and Support
No two cases of ALS are the same, nor are any two ALS caregiver experiences. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to every caregiver question, there is often much to be learned from people who are, or who have been, a caregiver for someone with ALS. As National Family Caregivers Month comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to highlight some of the advice, resources, and support available for ALS caregivers all year long.
“She’s Crazy Strong Inside”—A Young Woman’s ALS Caregiver Journey
When Tony got diagnosed with ALS, he and his wife Karen turned to each other to figure out their path forward, and they found they were better when they could face it together. The role of ALS caregiver wasn’t what Karen had planned, but together with Tony and their family, they set about figuring out this “new normal.”
Education and Training for ALS Caregivers
For someone facing the challenge of becoming an ALS caregiver, there are many paths to gaining the knowledge and experiences they need to care for someone with the disease. Finding accurate and timely information can play a key role in equipping those impacted by an ALS diagnosis with the skills they need to provide the best possible quality care.
Helpful Advice from One Caregiver to Another
Over the past years we’ve had many conversations and interviews with ALS caregivers, and while no two experiences are ever alike, there are often similarities and storylines throughout. In recognition of National Family Caregivers Month, we thought we would share some of these caregiver stories and advice we’ve collected along the way.
“I’ll Do This for You”—A Caregiver Story
For National Family Caregivers Month, we are featuring David and Laura DuBois. David is living with ALS, and his wife Laura is his primary caregiver. As simple as it might sound, their conscious decision to truly LIVE with ALS is what has allowed them to face each challenge and each day, together.
10 Ways to Help a Family Impacted by ALS
November 1 marks the beginning of National Family Caregivers Month. There are many ways to help caregivers and families impacted by ALS. The ALS Association put together a list of ten ways to make a difference in the lives of family caregivers.
Finding Help and Support for ALS Caregivers Nationwide
We recently launched Nationwide Connect, monthly online support groups for both male and female ALS caregivers designed with one thing in mind—enhancing quality of life and supporting families impacted by ALS regardless of where they live. They follow support group best practices and join people together who are dealing with similar experiences.
Perspectives on Physical Therapy from a Person Living with ALS
ALS is a very different disease. Therefore physical therapy treatment has to be different than what you would consider typical physical therapy. You can't fight it off or beat it with exercising. In fact, the wrong kind of exercising can actually make things worse.
A Focus on Proper Nutrition While Living with ALS
This week is Malnutrition Awareness Week, an opportunity to remind everyone of the role proper nutrition plays in a person’s health and the importance of early detection, intervention and treatment of malnutrition for people living with ALS and their caregivers.
Transforming Ourselves to Transform the Fight Against ALS
As you may have heard, we are going through a period of transition and I just want to take a moment to explain what is happening. Most of you want to know that we will continue to provide high-quality care services, state and national advocacy, and global ALS research. Let me reassure you -- we will. In fact, we will now better be able to do those things -- for everyone, everywhere.