
Collage of people from the ALS community



297 results
Guest Post: What I Learned from Stephen Hawking
I woke up this morning to the terrible news that Stephen Hawking died. While I never met the man, and didn’t really understand all he was saying about black holes, I learned a lot from him about what is possible for people with ALS.
ALS Reproducible Antibody Platform is Created to Ensure Highest-Quality Antibodies to the ALS Community
The ALS Association, in partnership with the Motor Neurone Disease Association (MND Association), and the ALS Society of Canada, have come together to support the ALS Reproducible Antibody Platform (ALS-RAP) with a $600,000 grant to create an open-access pipeline to validate antibody research. ALS-RAP will provide the ALS research community with the highest quality reliable, renewable antibodies for ALS genes to galvanize and enable a faster and even more efficient development of therapies to address the ALS challenge, globally.
How Telemedicine is Integrating into ALS Multidisciplinary Care
Did you know we have been using telemedicine since the 1960s? Neil Armstrong and his fellow astronauts wore medical monitoring devices developed by NASA during their first moon landing in 1969. Since then, the use of telemedicine has exploded. Over half of all U.S. hospitals now use some form of telemedicine through more than 200 telemedicine networks.
Ice Bucket Dollars at Work: ALS Stress Granule Components Uncovered
Dr. Gene Yeo from the University of California San Diego recently published a paper in the journal Cell, describing his important work uncovering the role of stress granules (SGs) in ALS. His research is supported by The ALS Association Investigator-Initiated Grant program, with donations from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. We sat down with Dr. Yeo to hear how he and his team identified SG components that they found vary by stress and cell-type.
Steve Gleason Enduring Voices Act is Permanent!
The Steve Gleason Enduring Voices Act is now law! This morning, President Trump signed the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (H.R. 1892), which included the Steve Gleason Enduring Voices Act. The Act will permanently fix the current Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) policy limiting access to Speech Generating Devices (SGD) for people with degenerative diseases.
Clinical Trial: FORTITUDE-ALS is Now Enrolling
FORTITUDE-ALS is a clinical trial of an investigational oral drug for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This clinical trial is now enrolling participants in both the United States and Canada.
An Open Letter to the ALS Community
We wanted to clear up some misinformation floating around on social media regarding our research funding and our current assets. We also wanted to explain our approach to funding research.
ALS Drug KPT-350 Advances Towards Clinical Trial
Biogen has acquired KPT-350, a potential ALS therapeutic that has been investigated in preclinical trials to treat ALS by researchers funded by The ALS Association’s Lawrence and Isabel Barnett Drug Development Program and The Milton Safenowitz Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, Karyopharm Therapeutics recently announced. Biogen acquired KPT-350 in a $10 million up-front payment agreement with Karyopharm, a deal worth up to $217 million in future milestones, plus royalties, to treat neurodegenerative diseases.
Researchers Uncover a Common Link Between ALS and CTE
Recent studies point to a possible connection between ALS and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), the type of traumatic brain injury associated with playing football and other contact sports. NFL veterans Steve Gleason, Tim Shaw, O.J. Brigance, Dwight Clark, Kevin Turner, and others were diagnosed with ALS after their football careers ended. CTE has also been found in military veterans, who are twice as likely to be diagnosed with ALS.
2017: A Year of Big Advances in ALS Research
In 2017, many new research discoveries and collaborations accelerated the momentum toward finding treatments and a cure for ALS. We helped lead the way by awarding several new grants to top scientists and clinicians. We currently fund over 126 projects in eight countries, furthering the best ALS research in the world.
Neuro Collaborative Researcher Dr. Finkbeiner Partners with Eli Lilly and Company
Dr. Steven Finkbeiner of the Gladstone Institutes recently announced a research partnership with Eli Lilly and Company to move his ALS research forward. Dr. Finkbeiner is a member of California-based Neuro Collaborative, an ALS Association-funded initiative focused on discovering new ALS therapeutics and moving them into clinical trials. This multi-year, milestone-driven project is using innovative robotic microscope technology to focus on better understanding neurodegenerative diseases, with a large focus on ALS.
ALS Hackathon Results in New and Exciting Technology Ideas
ALS is a severely debilitating disease that takes away a person’s ability to move, speak, swallow, and eventually breath. There is much to be accomplished to immediately enhance their quality of life. With this in mind, we sponsored an ALS Hackathon in partnership with Prize4Life to bring together bright, young students to brainstorm and quickly develop an assistive technology prototype.
Exercise Programs for People with ALS Found Safe and Tolerable
When first diagnosed with ALS, one of the first questions people ask is whether it is OK to continue exercising. A recently completed ALS Association funded study by Dr. Nicholas Maragakis of Johns Hopkins University and team set out to help answer this common question by exploring the possible benefits of exercise for people living with ALS.
ALS Association-Funded Researcher Don Cleveland Wins 2018 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences
Dr. Don Cleveland of University of California, San Diego received the 2018 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, an eminent honor to our long-time-funded ALS researcher. He received a $3 million prize, the largest individual monetary prize in science, during “The Oscars of Science” gala in Silicon Valley hosted by Morgan Freeman and aired on the National Geographic channel.
Research Progress Highlights from Society for Neuroscience Conference
This year’s annual Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Meeting in Washington, D.C., was a huge gathering of over 30,000 attendees from 80 countries all dedicated to advancing neuroscience. The ALS Association was one of 534 exhibitors and promoted our global TREAT ALS research program.