Terry Bradshaw Teams Up with The ALS Association to Raise Awareness of ALS


Hall of Fame quarterback fulfills dying fan’s last wish that he become ALS spokesperson

Today we launched a new public awareness campaign featuring Hall of Fame quarterback and FOX Sports announcer Terry Bradshaw that raises awareness of ALS and the progress that has been made since the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014.

"ALS is a terrible disease that has taken far too many Americans, including several former NFL players," said Terry. "I’m honored to be fighting for all those living with ALS and their family members. We desperately need the public’s support to keep the momentum going."

Two of the videos released today feature Terry and Pat Quinn, who co-founded the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge five years ago.

In the videos, Pat uses a re-creation of his voice that was presented to him by The ALS Association as part of Project Revoice, an award-winning campaign that generated international headlines.

"Pat Quinn is the real deal," said Terry. "Here’s a kid who is dying from a terrible disease, and he’s out there every day doing everything he can to raise awareness of ALS and inspire those around him."

Terry started working with us because of a long-time Pittsburgh Steelers fan who had ALS. Harrison Anderson, a North Carolina man who was diagnosed with ALS in 2016, used his wish from the Dream Foundation to request a call from Terry. On that call, Harrison asked Bradshaw to consider doing a public service announcement for ALS.

Harrison died on December 29, only weeks after Terry filmed the PSAs. Fortunately, Harrison got to see the videos before he passed, and he was thrilled with them. Our thoughts are with his wife, Robin, and their entire family. We’re glad Harrison’s dream is now a reality.

"Even though I didn’t know Harrison, I knew from that first phone call with him that I wanted to help," Terry said. "My wife and I have traveled to North Carolina to meet Harrison and his wife, and we are so touched that he asked us to join the fight against ALS. We are heartbroken that he passed, and our prayers go out to Robin and his family."

Before he died, Harrison said Terry is just like he appears on TV. "Terry Bradshaw was always a role model that I looked up to, and I thought he would be a perfect fit for ALS," said Harrison. "For him to be a part of this shows he’s exactly the kind of person I expected him to be. We are both humbled by Terry and Tammy’s generosity and kindness."

Calaneet Balas, president and CEO of The ALS Association, said: "We’re honored and thrilled that Terry has been so willing to help raise awareness of ALS and it’s such a great story of how it all came together. We are all deeply saddened that Harrison passed, but so grateful that he reached out and got things started. He had an impact in this fight and our thoughts are with Robin and his family."

There are several prominent former NFL players living with ALS, including Steve Gleason, O.J. Brigance, Tim Shaw, and Tim Green, who recently discussed his own diagnosis with the disease on 60 Minutes. Last June, former Super Bowl champion San Francisco 49ers receiver Dwight Clark died after his battle with ALS.


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