Mother Daughter Team - Jennifer and Savannah Beckerman Fight ALS Together

Savannah 3

This year, Jennifer Beckerman received the 2017 Tom Watson Award For Courage from The ALS Association Mid-America Chapter at their annual Night of Hope. Hear Jennifer’s story and how her beautiful, 16 year old daughter, Savannah, is her ultimate support.

Before her diagnosis, Jennifer Beckerman was as an athlete, avid motorcyclist, mother, volunteer and eternal optimist who believed in giving back and paying it forward. Then, on Dec. 9, 2015, she received her diagnosis of ALS.

“It was an insignificant day until it became significant,” she said.

Now Jennifer Beckerman is a fan of her daughter’s mad soccer skills and loves riding on the back of her boyfriend’s motorcycle. She is a mother, volunteer and believes in giving back and paying it forward.

Savannah, a junior in high school in Kansas City provides so much support and love.

“She is very driven. She is my rock,” said Jennifer. “Boy you name it. If I ask her to do it, she is there for me. She is quite an amazing young woman."

“Nothing has changed. I’ve just added three letters to my life.” she said. “ALS has not changed my goals. I just live my life in a more swift fashion to make sure things get accomplished.”

Since her diagnosis, Jennifer has gone to Sturgis, sat on the beach in Mexico and continues to ‘chase the sun.’ “I have found so much kindness being in this chair,” she said. “I would never have wished for ALS, but somehow it has given me so much more.”

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