Guest Post: ‘I’m Really Fighting for My Family’

Family Ireland 2017

By Stacy Crowder

There’s no sugarcoating it. ALS is terrible.

Unlike many fathers this Halloween, I couldn’t carve a pumpkin with my kids. I also couldn’t help them put on their costumes or take them trick-or-treating.

I didn’t know much about ALS before my diagnosis, but I became an expert pretty quick. I also got to work fighting – and not just for me but to bring hope to everyone living with ALS.

I participated in the 2018 National ALS Advocacy Conference in Washington, D.C. this past May and my Walk to Defeat ALS team, Team Crowder, has already raised nearly $40,000. I was also honored to take part in this summer’s ALS Celebrity Bowling Classic in Dallas.

But, when it comes down to it, I’m really fighting for my family. In many ways, the journey with this disease is tougher on my family than it is on me. My wife, Holly, is a beautiful caregiver. And our two daughters, Reese and Merritt, mean the world to me.

Holly does more than she should on some days, yet still has enough love and support left over for our kids. She’s selfless. I told her that her catchphrase is going to be, “You good?” I must hear that 100 times a day.

In the end, I hope my story is one of love, compassion, and a willingness to try and advocate for others along with myself, so they don’t have to go through this. No one should go through what ALS puts you through.

I was interviewed at the Advocacy Conference this past summer. Hear what I had to say.


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