Announcing New Care Services Educational Materials: Spanish Resource Guides & Key Medical Information App

Over the last several months, The ALS Association has worked on developing and implementing new educational tools to meet the needs and requests of our community. We are pleased to announce and highlight two of our newest projects - our resource guide series translated into Spanish and the Key Medical Information App - which are now available.

We have increased our online and printed written offerings by adding 12 new Spanish resource guides, which have been translated from the existing Living with ALS resource guide series, designed to inform and educate people about ALS, as well as the Families and ALS resource guide, which promotes the importance of communication and helps lay the framework for how to start the conversation with a child about a loved one’s ALS diagnosis. The titles of the 12 translated guides are as follows:

  • Guía de Recursos 1: ¿Qué es la ELA? Una guía introductoria para quienes viven con ELA
  • Guía de Recursos 2: Después del diagnóstico de ELA: Cómo lidiar con lo que ahora es normal para usted
  • Guía de Recursos 3: Cambios en la forma de pensar y el comportamiento con la ELA
  • Guía de Recursos 4: Vivir con ELA: Cómo planificar y tomar decisiones
  • Guía de Recursos 5: Entienda el seguro y los beneficios si tiene ELA
  • Guía de Recursos 6: Maneje los síntomas de la ELA
  • Guía de Recursos 7: Cómo funcionar cuando su movilidad se ve afectada por la ELA
  • Guía de Recursos 8: Cómo adaptarse a los cambios en la deglución y el manejo de la nutrición si tiene ELA
  • Guía de Recursos 9: Cambios en su forma de hablar y soluciones para la comunicación
  • Guía de Recursos 10: Cómo adaptarse a los cambios en la respiración si tiene ELA
  • Guía de Recursos 11: El final de la vida cuando se tiene ELA
  • Guía de recursos Las familias y la ELA

These guides, along with their English counterparts, can be found on The ALS Association’s website and are available to order in hardcopy on the Care Services Order Portal (

Additionally, based on feedback from the ALS community, we recently released the Key Medical Information mobile app. The app provides medical personnel with critical information to care for a person with ALS during an emergency situation. In addition to medical dos and don’ts, the app provides a communication board and emergency contact fields for users to reference. The app is available in Google Play and the Apple Store and is searchable by “Key Medical Information” or “The ALS Association”. If you have trouble locating the app, please use one of the below links, depending on your brand of phone:


Submitted by: Tina M. on Wed, 09/21/2022

Is there a download available patient and caregiver education PDF or document in Spanish? When I search for Spanish docs, I cannot click on anything to download or print on the website/webpage

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