ANNOUNCING Every Drop Adds Up

Pat Quinn is a co-founder of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. He was diagnosed with ALS in March 2013.

Last year, I accepted a Webby Award in New York City for co-founding the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Acceptance speeches are limited to just five words, so when I went on stage I said:

"Every August Until A Cure."

Since then, this mantra has become a rallying cry of the ALS community. It's been awesome to see the progress we've enabled since the Challenge soaked the world in August 2014.

But I'll be honest with you: while a lot of money was infused into ALS over the last two years, we need to do more if we want to bring a treatment to market.

Help me establish every August as the month we take pause to make a difference in the fight against ALS.

Every contribution - no matter how large or seemingly small, whether a financial gift or a selfless act that brings awareness to ALS - adds up. You see...

Every Drop Adds Up.

Help finish what we started. Visit to see how The ALS Association has invested your donation and find out how you can make an impact again this August.

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