With ALS, Every Day Adds Up

Our Every Drop Adds Up campaign builds on the idea that people coming together for a common goal can make the impossible happen, just as it did four summers ago when the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge soaked the world. Every person helped, research project funded, story shared, discovery made, piece of legislation passed, and auction bid placed – it all adds up!

For people living with ALS and their caregivers and family, every day adds up.

ALS is a journey that begins months, even years, before a diagnosis. Because there’s no definitive test for ALS, doctors must run through a battery of tests, ruling out other potential syndromes, conditions, and diseases before making a diagnosis of ALS.

It’s a journey that, for many people diagnosed with ALS, continues through the five-month waiting period they qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance.

It’s a journey with many difficult days spent dealing with the loss of motor functions.

“[ALS] is a disease that is challenging every day. Every day I wake up not knowing what’s going to happen. You take for granted every day what you do.” (Russell Mikunda, Person With ALS, Iowa)

It’s a journey that also has good days, as families affected by ALS continue to live each day and find moments of joy.

Please watch this impactful video and then share it with your friends and family to help raise awareness of ALS.

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